22 714 grossesses accomplies sur 21 ans
Laboratoire d'embryologie

At the first IVF cycle, conception occurs in half of patients. Following the second attempt, the efficiency rate increases up to 60.5%, and after the third attempt, to 70.5%.

  • Polarizing microscopy
  • intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI)
  • Embryos’ cultivation carried out in the atmosphere low in reactive oxygen species
  • Vitrification of oocytes and embryos

Polarizing microscopy

New in infertility treatment is the use of polarizing microscopy, for which the innovative Oosight View is applied. The device, combining optical and computer technology, allows you to see an egg from the inside and identify possible violations in its structure.

Thus, it allows you to choose the healthiest eggs. Besides, polarizing microscopy is also in demand during the ICSI procedure, since it avoids such a phenomenon as damage to the spindle of the egg cell.


In case of fertilization by ICSI, it is important to choose the best sperm. If a sperm with chromosomal pathologies is selected, then the probability of genetic disorders in the embryo becomes high. But the use of a conventional microscope does not allow a detailed examination of the structure of the sperm. Therefore, we use a new approach in the treatment of infertility - special high-contrast video microscopy.

Damage to DNA can occur due to the presence of apoptotic vesicles in the sperm, which are formed under the influence of reactive oxygen species. This device provides an opportunity to see apoptotic vesicles and thereby reject low-quality sperms.

This device is actively used for the IMSI procedure. Thanks to it, the chances of positive results of in vitro fertilization increase several times, especially in case of male factor infertility.

Embryos’ cultivation carried out in the atmosphere low in reactive oxygen species

In the atmosphere, the oxygen concentration is much higher than its concentration in human blood - 20% against 5%. As a result, the number of active oxygen species in embryos increases, which entails damage to cell membranes and DNA fragmentation. It has become possible to avoid such a negative phenomenon thanks to the use of modern incubators. In such incubators, the natural environment of the female body is completely imitated, respectively, the oxygen level in them is optimally low.

This allows to significantly increase the embryo survival rates and increase the percentage of those which managed to develop to the blastocyst stage. In addition, the use of such technology has a positive effect on implantation of embryos.

Vitrification of oocytes and embryos

Vitrification of embryos - ultrafast freezing - allows to save the received embryos but not those used for transfer during the IVF program. Vitrification of embryos makes the transfer as much effective as in the fresh program, but without burdening the body with stimulation drugs.

Vitrification of embryos represents a new approach in the treatment of infertility. This term means ultrafast freezing, due to which almost all embryos survive after cryopreservation - 98%.

A specialized device that allows to transfer embryos into the uterine cavity. Our clinic has at its disposal this unique device. With its help, it is possible to transfer embryos into the uterine cavity so carefully that the probability of losing at least one embryo during the procedure is completely eliminated.


Liudmila Yelicheva

Liudmila Yelicheva

  • Obstetrician Gynecologist, Phd

Sergey Yakovenko

Sergey Yakovenko

  • CEO, embryologist, PhD, Associate Professor at Moscow State University, Department of Biophysics.

Valentina Apryshko

Valentina Apryshko

  • Directeur de laboratoire de FIV, PhD
Yaroslav Lugovtsov

Yaroslav Lugovtsov

  • Ultrasonographe, MD

Anton Bolt

Anton Bolt

  • Embryologie principal
Timur Khrabrov

Timur Khrabrov

  • Urologue, Andrologue, PhD
Victoria Gnipova

Victoria Gnipova

  • Gynécologue obstétricien, Phd

Sona Nshanyan

Sona Nshanyan

  • Reproductive Endocrinologist, Gynecologist, PHD

Yuliya Maklygina

Yuliya Maklygina

  • Généticienne

Ekaterina Osina

Ekaterina Osina

  • Gynécologue obstétricien, Phd

Programmes de FIV populaires

La Clinique Altravita occupe des positions de leader dans le domaine de la médecine reproductive, du traitement de l'infertilité féminine et masculine, des études cytogénétiques et moléculaires-génétiques.



Oksana, 15 Oct 2019 г.

Merci beaucoup, Dr Vladimir Valentinovich,vous êtes à la fois une personne merveilleuse et un spécialiste exceptionnel !!! Grâce à votre traitement et à votre approche unique, nous avons eu le 10 avril notre précieuse petite fille. Vous avez toujours su exactement quoi dire pour nous remonter le moral. Malgré tous les échecs, vous n'avez jamais perdu espoir et avez continué à proposer de nouveaux plans de traitement jusqu'à ce que nous réussissions enfin. Je vous remercie encore une fois et vous souhaite plein succès dans votre travail difficile!

AltraVita IVF